Hi kawan-kawan...
korang kenyang x hari ni?
ke lapor memanjang jer?
fyi,aku raser hari ni Hari Perut aku
FYI,hari ni family aku kene attend
8 wedding`s ceremony
OMG,can u imagine that??
8 different places in 1 day?
fuhhh...extremely exhausted!!!
1st :
my neighbour..their daughter get married
so,kene la g tlg kan pagi2 lg
actly seronok gak,but letih + panas
so mmg x leh tahan la td..
2nd :
my father`s aunt house
Her daughter get married also....
as usual,
3rd - 8th :
this 1 i dont know where
cz i x jd nk ikut sb letih terlajak
macam kenduri ni aku yg kene handle
so,i decided not to follow my parents
so,korang plak cmner?
ader ker smpai 8 tmpat kene attend?
this is ridiculous actly,4 me...
bt,bgs gak ader bnyk knduri
sb mak aku x yah masak...
lauk x hbs...gulai daging pun ader lg..
korang nak cube?
if u r interested,u r invited!
here are some invitation card that we got,
wanna c it? sure u can
Ni from my neighbour...
yg ni..x tahu...hehe:D
thats all from me
korang kenyang x hari ni?
ke lapor memanjang jer?
fyi,aku raser hari ni Hari Perut aku
FYI,hari ni family aku kene attend
8 wedding`s ceremony
OMG,can u imagine that??
8 different places in 1 day?
fuhhh...extremely exhausted!!!
1st :
my neighbour..their daughter get married
so,kene la g tlg kan pagi2 lg
actly seronok gak,but letih + panas
so mmg x leh tahan la td..
2nd :
my father`s aunt house
Her daughter get married also....
as usual,
3rd - 8th :
this 1 i dont know where
cz i x jd nk ikut sb letih terlajak
macam kenduri ni aku yg kene handle
so,i decided not to follow my parents
so,korang plak cmner?
ader ker smpai 8 tmpat kene attend?
this is ridiculous actly,4 me...
bt,bgs gak ader bnyk knduri
sb mak aku x yah masak...
lauk x hbs...gulai daging pun ader lg..
korang nak cube?
if u r interested,u r invited!
here are some invitation card that we got,
wanna c it? sure u can
Ni from my neighbour...
yg ni..x tahu...hehe:D
thats all from me
pling byk 7 aje.. tu pun dh senak perut ohhh.. XD
urmm...bnyk la jugak tue...
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